Our Services

The first and only FAA-approved simulator built with the cutting edge X-Plane 11 flight sim engine. Use the Gleim Virtual Cockpit BATD to develop or maintain proficiency with flight modeling based on the most popular training aircraft in the world, the Cessna 172.

Part 61
- Aeronautical experience: Up to 2.5 hours in the Gleim Virtual Cockpit BATD may be credited toward your flight training if received from an authorized instructor. 14 CFR Sec. 61.109(k)(1)
- Instrument Rating: Up to 10 hours in the Gleim Virtual Cockpit BATD may be credited toward your Instrument Rating. 14 CFR Sec 61.65(i)

Part 141 – COMING SOON!
- Private Pilot: Up to 15% of the training time required for your Private Pilot certificate may be credited in the Gleim Virtual Cockpit BATD. Appendix B to Part 141
- Instrument Rating: Up to 25% of the instrument training time required for your Instrument Rating may be credited in the Gleim Virtual Cockpit BATD. Appendix C to Part 141

Instrument Currency
- Instrument recent flight experience: Meet the requirements to act as pilot-in-command under IFR or weather conditions less than the minimums prescribed for VFR. 14 CFR 61.57 (c)
- Fly six instrument approaches, holding procedures and tasks, and intercepting and tracking courses through the use of navigational electronic systems to maintain IFR currency.

Technically Advanced Aircraft (TAA)Simulated G1000 Suite
- PFD and MFD
- Autopilot
- Audio panel

The BATD’s global navigational database including
- 14,000 airports
- 35,000 runways
- 33,000 instrument approaches
- 32,000 SIDs
- 25,000 STARs

Traditional“Six-pack” style analog gauges
- Garmin 530 & 430 moving map GPS
- STEC 55X autopilot
- Audio panel

Build VFR and IFR proficiency
- The Gleim Virtual Cockpit BATD delivers the ultimate immersive experience, and the Gleim X-Plane Flight Training Course includes every private pilot flight lesson from our FAA-approved syllabus.